
The Science of Hereditary Diseases

The Science of Hereditary Diseases

Diseases that pass down from parent to children are known as hereditary diseases. Many of these diseases occur in families. The genetic mutation that causes a disease in one person can be passed along to their offspring, who may then pass the disease on to their children.

Some hereditary diseases result from genetic mutations that affect the genes themselves, and others are passed from parent to child through the genes, passed from parent to baby in a process called inheritance. For example, your parents may have had Huntington’s disease, Friedreich’s ataxia, or sickle-cell anemia, but you do not have them. Nonetheless, individuals suffering from Hereditary diseases could take the required assistance from a genetic counselor or a doctor specialist in the field.

The Primary Source Of Hereditary Diseases?

Over the past decade, the human genome has become the primary source of knowledge about how our bodies work. But the limitations of a single genetic sequence have led scientists to investigate other genes and genetic sequences that play an essential role in human health and disease. One such gene is known as a haplotypic variant, which is a single letter change in the sequence of DNA. While these single-letter changes are often not passed on to future generations, they can significantly impact an individual’s health and well-being.

Most of us have at least one relative who is affected by a hereditary disease. For example, you might have a first-degree relative — a parent, sibling, or child — who has either inherited the disease or been affected by the disease. Or you might have a second-degree relative, a parent or grandparent who has also been affected by the disease. For example, a parent might have a child with an inherited disease such as Huntington’s disease, or a parent might have a child with a genetic disorder such as Down syndrome.

What Are The Common Types Of Hereditary Disease?

  1. Down Syndrome

Normally, each cell’s nucleus has 23 chromosomes, but Down syndrome develops when the 21st chromosome is duplicated twice in all or some cells. Prenatal screening procedures, such as blood tests, are widely performed by nurse practitioners and physicians to identify levels of chromosomal material and other compounds in a mother’s blood. This type of testing can predict whether or not a kid will be born with Down syndrome with a high degree of accuracy. When a person is diagnosed with this condition, they are likely to have cognitive deficits ranging from mild to severe. The condition is also characterized by a higher proclivity for congenital cardiac problems, decreased muscular tone, shorter stature, and an upward slant to the eyes.

  1. Thalassemia

Thalassemia is a group of hereditary genetic disorders that decrease the natural quantity of hemoglobin a person can make. This disorder prevents oxygen from reaching all parts of the body. Children who inherit the Thalassemia gene from both parents have a 25% risk of being born with Thalassemia. The people living in Southeast Asian, Middle Eastern, Mediterranean, and Northern African countries are most likely carriers of the defective gene that causes Thalassemia.

  1. Sickle Cell Disease

The mutations in the genes that encode hemoglobin cause sickle cell disease, and an aberrant hemoglobin molecule causes the sickle shape of red blood cells. Chronic anemia develops as a result of the condition and considerable damage to the heart, lungs, and kidneys. According to the center for disease control and prevention, Sickle Disease affects over 100,000 Americans yearly.

  1. Hemophilia

It is a condition that causes abnormal bleeding due to a lack of blood coagulation. It is most common in men. The hemophilia gene is found on the X chromosome, which is responsible for gender. Males inherit only one copy of the X chromosome since they have an X and a Y chromosome (from their mother). As a result, if their mother carries the defective gene, they are more likely to inherit hemophilia. Females have two X chromosomes (one from their mother and the other from their father), one of which is usually normal. This suggests that most women with the gene mutation are carriers but do not show symptoms of the condition.

Does Ancestral Trauma Also Cause Hereditary Diseases?

Ancestral trauma is associated with an increased risk for mental and emotional health problems, and it can also contribute to hereditary health problems such as heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and other chronic diseases.

We each have traits that can be passed down through families in which unconscious behaviors are also included (generational trauma). For some of us, these traits are not noticeable. For others, these traits can lead to a host of problems that, if not treated timely, can become a reason for many diseases, and that is called psychosomatic effects. A person’s genes have been passed down from their parents, and these genes affect how we think, behave, and feel. The body is a complex machine, which is why we have various hereditary diseases, including traumas embodied in every child.

What To Do If Hereditary Disease Runs In Your Family?

Your genes play a significant influence in determining who you are. You are likely to share qualities like hair type or athletic ability because you inherit your genes from your parents. “Sadly, we can inherit ‘changes’ in DNA from our mother or father, which might raise the risk of acquiring an inherited disease like cancer.

A disease that appears to “run in the family” affects several families. But when should you be concerned about it?

If you suspect that a member of your family or a friend may be at risk for a genetic disease, you must consult a doctor who might recommend you to take the following actions based on your family’s history.

  • Changes to your surroundings, lifestyle, and diet can help you live healthier.
  • Disease screenings should be done earlier and more frequently.
  • Counseling on genetics.

The influence of technology on the Health Industry- Are we going in the right direction?

The influence of technology on the Health Industry- Are we going in the right direction?

The influence of technology on the health industry is the ability to perform medical tests at home and in a doctor’s office. This has allowed patients to receive medical care without traveling long distances or waiting in line. The same technology has also increased efficiency in the medical field. Advances in technology have led to better diagnostics, treatments, and procedures. However, the use of technology has also brought concerns regarding its safety and ethical use.

Advancements in technology have led to the development of new products and services that have improved the quality of our lives and have had some adverse effects.

The technology used to create vaccines profoundly affects their efficacy and safety. Advances in technology have allowed for the development of mRNA and other DNA vaccine candidates, which have the potential to be used on a large scale to generate high-quality immune responses. The development of these technologies will continue to change the field of vaccine research and manufacturing, allowing for the further improvement of the quality of vaccines available to the public.

Impact of Technology on the Health Industry:

The Health Industry has been experiencing a revolution in recent years. Advancements in technology have changed how we live our lives and have had a significant impact on the Health Industry. Thanks to technology, we are now able to do things that were once thought to be impossible. For example, one can get a physical at a doctor’s office and have their blood tested using a simple blood test at home.

One of the most significant changes in the health industry in the past decade has been the advancement of technology. The use of technology in our health and health care systems has increased the efficiency of many processes, decreased the cost of health care, and increased the availability of information to improve the quality of care.
Benefits of technology in the Health Industry:

The technology has a lot of applications and benefits for the health sector. These benefits are shown below:

  1. Faster diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases
  2. Improved patient satisfaction
  3. Lower cost of treatment
  4. Reduced costs for drugs
  5. The application of the technology in medical research and education
  6. Reduction in healthcare costs
  7. Implementation of new methods to diagnose and treat diseases
  8. Improving healthcare services
  9. Increase in efficiency and safety

Digital marketing and the health industry are perfect partners

In this era of escalating World Wide Web, it is effortless for medical and healthcare businesses to promote their businesses through cost-effective digital media marketing strategies. One of the easiest ways to market your business online is through having an effective and interactive website. Having a website is no longer a luxury, and this Internet-generated world has become a necessity for both you and your patients. However, just a mere internet presence is not enough to attract more customers and retain the existing ones. Healthcare Twitter marketing solutions and an interactive and effective website are very important.
Utilizing digital media tools for better healthcare awareness

Over the past few years, the healthcare industry has grown rapidly. It has changed many shapes and evolved drastically. Unfortunately, it’s challenging for such evolving industry to keep up with the latest marketing trends. Many healthcare industries are still using costly old-fashioned methods of marketing. The vital key to leveling up your health marketing in digital media marketing is hiring a healthcare social media advertising company. With the modernization of time, consumers needs have also evolved, and they look for easy, user-friendly solutions for their problems.

Social media has taken over half of our lives; Let it be personal or professional. In this competitive time, a business needs to update its marketing ways. Digital marketing is considered to be the new ruler of the marketing world. Various digital marketing strategies help you boost your business effectively. Healthcare social media advertising uses SEO tools, one of the digital marketing strategies used effectively to promote your business.

Healthcare is a rising competitive field nowadays. And to attract more customers, a strong digital marketing strategy should be used. And social media proves to be an effective way to attract customers. It allows a direct connection between patients and healthcare providers. Since healthcare is an industry focused on people, social media gives you the latest insight into what’s happening around the globe to render the customers’ needs accordingly.

Social media optimization can be your new best friend if you are running an online healthcare facility. It will allow you a direct connection with your patients and help you build a stable profile online. You can outsource any digital media marketing company to render these services for you. Healthcare social media advertising companies have various benefits such as:

  • It increases the traffic on your website rapidly
  • It helps you build a relationship with your patients
  • It creates awareness about your brand and the services that you offer
  • It helps in boosting your revenue


The development of these technologies will continue to change the field of vaccine research and manufacturing, allowing for the further improvement of the quality of vaccines available to the public. It’s the blessing of technology that we were able to surpass COVID-19 and promote better healthcare for countries like Uganda and Africa. Due to the technological advancements in the healthcare industry, many chronic diseases like mokeypox, corona virus, and Ebola were treated efficiently. The healthcare industry is striving these days and the credit goes to nothing but the technological advancement around the globe.


The growing importance of Clinical trials in Africa

The growing importance of Clinical trials in Africa

Since the past 20 years, Africa has shown some significant improvements in the healthcare industry. Thanks to the countless health and nutrition promotion campaigns, their health indicators have improved. The mortality rate of birth-giving mothers and children under the age of five has decreased up to fifty percent, the largest drop noticed in decades. In the past two years, widespread immunization awareness increased prenatal care, and better access to medical and health facilities have been seen. However, despite the rigorous improvement, the health rate of Uganda is still very low, and most of the children still don’t have adequate medical facilities.

Many essential services for premature babies or those with complications are still not available. And most of the healthcare facilities are often facing shortages of basic drugs and testing equipment. More than 30% of the children under the age of five suffer from malnutrition and other chronic diseases. The slackness in health and nutrition promotion has prevented millions of children from developing mental and physical.

The growing importance of Clinical trials in Africa is mainly due to the recent scientific breakthroughs, which have dramatically changed the treatment of many genetic disorders. This is now a golden age for gene therapy, and scientists around the world are rushing to adopt the new technology for the treatment of humans with genetic disorders.

The growth in the number of clinical trials in Africa is evident in the number of people employed in the sector. While the current size of the African biosciences workforce is modest, the sector is projected to grow, particularly in the country with the largest number of people employed in the biosciences: South Africa. The government has one of the largest biotechnology sectors in the world.

Progression of Africa’s Clinical Trials:

Today, clinical trials in Africa, particularly those on nutrition, are growing unprecedentedly. They have vastly improved the conditions in which clinical research takes place, particularly as it pertains to African Americans, who are often underrepresented in clinical trials, and they serve as a powerful mechanism for learning and practicing different diseases. The International Clinical Trials Registry Platform (ICTRP) is a repository of information related to clinical trials with both completed and ongoing trials and a clearinghouse of all clinical trials across the world.

Progression in the development of clinical trials in Africa is characterized by a number of factors, including small sample sizes, challenges with generalisability, high costs, time constraints and low levels of expertise and infrastructure.

Role of Pharmaceutical Companies in Africa’s Clinical Trials:

As pharmaceutical companies race to do more clinical trials in Africa, the continent is becoming a testing ground for new treatments that may eventually spread to other regions. In Kenya, for example, the Nairobi Biomedical Research Institute and the Kenya Medical Research Institute are putting in place the infrastructure needed to increase the number of clinical trials being done in places like the country’s capital region. They have also partnered with other institutions in the country to run clinical trials. In Ghana, drugs from the University of Cape Coast are being used in clinical trials.

When Africa’s Clinical Trials Accelerated?

Since 2003, when the first of these clinical trials took place, there has been a remarkable growth in the number of trial sites and clinical trials conducted on the continent. Several new clinical trial sites have opened since then in countries as diverse as Ghana, Tanzania, Nigeria and South Africa.
Here’s an effective plan for clinical trials in Africa that prioritize five key areas:

  1. Saving Newborn Lives

Since the first few minutes of a newborn’s life are crucial and critical, educating the healthcare facilities about simple steps that can save millions of lives is essential. The communities can train mothers on breastfeeding and skin-to-skin contact to provide essential nutrition and warmth to the newborn after birth. The most common cause of death in newborns in Africa is Asphyxia, which can disable breathing ability. So, it’s essential to train midwives and nurses during clinical trials in Africa on basic techniques to rescue babies immediately after their birth.

2. Promoting Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH)

Adolescents in Africa lack basic access to sexual and reproductive health services, and this is why clinical trials in Africa are essential for their well—being. According to studies, at least 1/4th of the women face teenage pregnancies, which is why young girls drop school. The promotional campaigns should work with schools and communities to promote sexual and reproductive health awareness.

3. Boosting nutrition

The healthcare communities should provide basic testing of malnutrition and provide food and nutritional support to young children and their mothers. The clinical trials in Africa should promote awareness among lactating and pregnant women to take better care of themselves and give birth to healthy babies. Health and nutrition promotion campaigns are the most effective way to reduce child malnutrition and improve children’s health in Africa.

4. Responding to emergencies

Despite significant improvement in the medical industry of Africa, they are still facing major problems in dealing with deadly outbreaks like Corona Virus. The globally spread virus has caused millions of people to lose their lives in Uganda. To prevent deadly diseases like DR Congo, Ebola, and Corona, hospitals and clinical trials in Africa should be provided with the necessary equipment. Health and nutrition promotion campaigns should dispel myths and create adequate awareness regarding such viruses.

.5 System strengthening

At last, the changes should be sustainable and long-term to strengthen the health systems in Africa. Improving the capacity of medical facilities and retaining them is a great approach to promoting community health. The communities should also promote research and development in Africa for long-term sustainability.

6. Conclusion

The health and nutrition promotion campaigns can improve the nutritional status of children and women in Africa. These clinical trials can play a crucial role in decreasing the infant and child mortality rate in Africa.


The Emergence Of mRNA And DNA Vaccines And Their Potential In Preventing And Treating Illnesses

The Emergence Of mRNA And DNA Vaccines And Their Potential In Preventing And Treating Illnesses

The development of mRNA and DNA-based vaccines to prevent viruses and other pathogens showed that these vaccines could be highly effective at preventing illnesses and stemming the spread of potentially deadly diseases. For example, research suggests that vaccines based on mRNA and DNA may be beneficial for rapidly spreading viruses like Ebola. Moreover, both vaccines have significantly improved the overall health condition of millions of people worldwide.

The field of mRNA and DNA vaccines has grown dramatically over the past decade. Their day-to-day utilization in medical facilities has helped doctors treat patients suffering from various illnesses worldwide.

Scientists have used mRNA and DNA to develop vaccines against various illnesses, including hepatitis, pertussis, and chickenpox.

Advancement in mRNA and DNA Vaccines:

Researchers have worked to develop DNA vaccines that use new, more advanced molecular techniques to make DNA vaccines even more effective. For example, researchers have developed a DNA vaccine that uses mRNA interference to silence hepatitis genes in the liver.

What are the main Advantages and Disadvantages of mRNA and DNA Vaccines?

One advantage of mRNA- and DNA-based vaccines is that they are easy to produce in large quantities. Considering DNA vaccines, its primary disadvantage is that they are a simple and safe means of delivery and are therefore attractive for a wide range of vaccine candidates and countries where the public has little knowledge or experience with vaccine production. However, DNA is prone to mutation, particularly with respect to codons for the antigen, which reduces the vaccine efficacy, requires constant monitoring of vaccination status, and has a relatively short shelf-life, making it unsuitable for long-term use.

A more stable and long-lasting vaccine is possible with the advent of mRNA vaccines. These vaccines require more than one dose and thus have longer shelf lives and are suitable for widespread use for an extended period. They have several advantages, including eliciting antibodies against a broad range and diverse range and protecting against multiple pathogens. One disadvantage mRNA- and DNA-based vaccines have is that, unlike traditional vaccines, they can’t be stored for long periods, making them difficult to administer in the field. But scientists are working to overcome this problem by developing other types of vaccines.

How do mRNA vaccines work?

All mRNA vaccines function by activating your immune system to help it fight pathogens. Most vaccinations deliver a little amount of a virus that has been damaged or “killed.” To fight the sickness, your body produces antibodies. If you are exposed to those bacteria again in the future, they will protect you from sickness.

mRNA vaccines boost your immune system the same way as other vaccinations do but differently. The virus that causes sickness is not present in the mRNA vaccinations. Instead, they contain “messenger molecules” (mRNA), which provide your body with instructions similar to a unique recipe. The instructions guide your cells on how to manufacture a piece of protein from a virus, such as the COVID-19 virus.

What are the uses of the mRNA vaccine?

mRNA vaccines can be efficient for treating infections because they do not require labor-intensive production but are made in a simple, inexpensive laboratory process.

What are the benefits of getting an mRNA vaccine?

mRNA vaccine provides protection against different diseases. The same form of immunity develops in those who have already been infected with the virus that causes COVID-19 illness. The COVID-19 mRNA vaccine, on the other hand, protects people against getting sick from the virus. COVID-19 is a virus that can cause serious diseases and have long-term consequences if you don’t get vaccinated.

How does the DNA vaccine work?

Once you receive a DNA vaccine, your cells convert the virus or bacteria’s gene particle into a protein that your body identifies as a foreign substance. Your immune system then produces antibodies to combat these proteins, preventing them from sticking to your cells and ultimately killing them. In order to avoid future illnesses, vaccines teach your body to detect these proteins.

DNA vaccine Uses:

DNA vaccines have the potential to be even more practical because they can be produced in the form of a plasmid that is easy to administer.

What are the benefits of getting a DNA vaccine?

DNA vaccination has shown significant promise since its beginnings. In terms of performance, reliability, and price, using genetic material as a vector for vaccination has a lot of advantages over standard vaccine methods. For a long time, scientists have worked hard to maximize these advantages in establishing DNA vaccines as an essential part of both preventative and therapeutic medicine.

mRNA Vs. DNA Vaccines: How are they different from one another? 

mRNA vaccines work similarly to DNA vaccines in that they give genetic material to human cells for them to synthesize into one or more viral or bacterial proteins.

While there are some commonalities between DNA and mRNA vaccines, there are some noteworthy differences between these genetic vaccines. To be efficient, plasmid DNA must pass the cell membrane, enter the cytoplasm, and then pass the nucleus membrane to reach the cell nucleus.

An mRNA vaccination, on the other hand, just needs to cross the cell membrane to reach the cytoplasm. Enzymes in the cytoplasm utilize the genetic information contained in mRNA molecules to produce bacterial or viral proteins.


DNA and RNA vaccines contain genetic code that tells your body’s cells to make a protein that looks like the virus’s structure. This deceives your body into producing an immune reaction to the protein, which prepares you to fight the actual virus if you come into contact with it.

Unlike standard immunizations, RNA and DNA vaccines do not contain a live virus. As a result, they are less expensive and may be manufactured relatively quickly than traditional vaccines. Both RNA and DNA vaccines trigger the same immunological response; however, DNA vaccines require an electrical pulse to reach the cell.


The Changing Face Of Clinical Trials

The Changing Face Of Clinical Trials

All stages of the Clinical Development SOL life cycle have benefitted from technology advancements over the course of several years. At this point, the development of clinical trials has progressed quite a bit further. As a direct response to the pandemic caused by COVID 19, the medical community has begun using cutting-edge technology for conducting virtual trials to continue their research and guarantee the well-being of all patients. The limited opportunity for alternative operations is one of the few positive aspects of the outbreak. In many instances, all of the parties involved in a clinical study have been forced to adopt the technology of virtual trials, and they have been surprised by the consistent benefits of these trials. We see a post-pandemic environment characterized by a rise in virtual visits, reducing patients’ need to go to experimental locations. It’s common knowledge that innovation and technology are two keywords that permeate all types of companies.

Before going deep and learning about the clinical trials, it would be wise to learn more about them.

What Is A Clinical Trial?

A clinical trial is a human research study that aims to answer specific questions concerning new treatments, vaccinations, or diagnostic procedures and new ways to use existing treatments. Clinical trials are used to test the safety and efficacy of new medications, diagnostics, and therapies. Clinical trials are the quickest and safest way to discover therapies that help patients.

Once researchers have tested speculative new medicines or procedures in the lab and on animals, the most effective ones are advanced into human clinical trials. Clinical trials are divided into several stages. During a study, researchers learn more about the prospective treatment, its hazards, how well it could or might not work, and factors of quality of life.

Things That Happen In Different Phases of Clinical Trials

After a clinical trial is approved to begin, it must adhere to a set of guidelines. “Phases” are the terms used to describe the steps. They’re there to keep volunteers safe. Ensure all steps are performed to protect patients and ensure that the clinical trial’s results are accurate.

What Are The Different Phases Of Clinical Trials?

You can take part in a clinical trial at any time. The only need is that the clinical study is appropriate for you, your health, and your ailment.

Phase 1

Phase 1 establishes that the therapy is safe for human use and defines its distribution throughout the body. This testing often involves a limited number of healthy participants. The sponsor of the study checks for possible “severe adverse events,” any poisonous, undesired, or unwelcome impact that causes death or risk to health, such as a disability or permanent damage, congenital disability, heart attack, or other significant medical problem.

Phase 2

A phase II clinical study provides physicians with further information regarding the treatment’s safety and efficacy. Doctors also determine if a new cancer therapy is effective. They may measure the tumor, collect blood samples, or assess your ability to do specific tasks. Or, you may record your everyday activities and symptoms in a journal. These are all methods for determining the efficacy of the therapy. Phase II clinical trials span around two years. Volunteers sometimes get different treatments. For instance, a phase II clinical study might contain two or more groups.

Phase 3

A Phase 3 Clinical Trial covers a considerably more significant number of participants. It focuses mainly on evaluating whether the treatment would be safe and effective for a broad range of individuals. Typically, the approach entails allocating people to treatment or control groups. There may be many treatment groups, mainly if the therapy involves a mix of medications or various components. A control group is given either the current standard of care or a placebo.

Phase 4

Phase 4 is clinical research examining the long-term adverse effects of a newly licensed and commercially available therapy. These studies may also examine the efficacy of a new therapy for an extended time. Since phase IV studies aim to determine a treatment’s long-term efficacy, its length should not surprise. Typically, their duration is at least two years.

What Are The Rights Of Participants In A Clinical Trial?

Participants have the right to participate in a clinical trial that follows all legal and ethical guidelines. Participants also have the right to:

• Get a copy of a clear, transparent informed consent form before they agree to participate in the trial.

• Leave the trial at any point.

The informed consent form tries to answer any and all questions that a participant might have before agreeing or declining to participate in a trial. Only those who sign an informed consent form after having all of their questions addressed are eligible to participate in the trial. Participants certify that they feel they have been given all pertinent information regarding a study, that they understand it, and that they chose to participate in the trial of their own free will by signing.

Moreover, it is not a contract. As a result, a participant’s decision may be changed — each participant can withdraw at any time during the study. A withdrawal will not impact the participant’s relationship with their doctor, nor will it result in the person losing benefits to which they are otherwise entitled. The informed Consent statement should include a description of any potential medical hazards associated with a rapid withdrawal from the experiment.


It is essential to remember that cutting-edge technologies like Clinical Conductor and eTMF were developed to elevate the comfort, productivity, and efficiency levels associated with a particular activity or procedure. It makes it easier to retrieve trail information promptly and keeps papers for post-marketing investigations in a centralized location. Over the last two decades, clinical investigations on the efficacy and safety of antihypertensive medications have included the participation of over 40,000 patients in total. Future research attempts should take advantage of the insights gained here.


The Aftermath of a pandemic – The World after COVID-19

The Aftermath of a pandemic – The World after COVID-19

The world is still reeling from the effects of the Pandemic that swept the world in the summer of 2019. Millions of people died, and the world economy collapsed. The world’s leaders have failed to come up with a solution to the Pandemic, and the people have turned to conspiracy theories and pseudoscience to explain their plight.

The Pandemic, also known as COVID-19, has struck more than one million people and killed nearly half of those who have become infected. The world was plunged into chaos when a pandemic dubbed COVID-19 struck without warning. The virus spread like wildfire, causing widespread death, mutation, and disarray. The world’s governments scrambled to find a cure, but when none was found, they instead built up their defenses and prepared for the worst. For almost a year, society has been on lockdown, with no movement of people or goods, save for a few select locations and facilities.

The world has changed. COVID-19, a pandemic virus, has overrun the world with terrifying results. This virus has killed more people than anyone realized, and it has also caused changes in the human body that have left many people very sick. The Pandemic has also forced governments worldwide to come together and work toward a common goal: to stop COVID-19.

The whole world was thrown into chaos after the Pandemic known as COVID-19. The virus, which first appeared in the southern hemisphere, quickly spread across the globe. Within days, the disease had reached the United States and the rest of the developed world. The virus demonstrated an extraordinary level of resistance to all available vaccines, to make matters worse.

Role of CDC in controlling this Pandemic?

The CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) has struggled to contain the virus, which has infected more than 1 million people & killed over half that number. The virus, colloquially known as COVID-19, is a strain of the common cold, but it has proven to be remarkably virulent and has spread quickly throughout the world. The Pandemic has caused chaos and panic all around the globe.
The Pandemic has claimed the lives of hundreds of thousands of people, with more fatalities expected. It has also left many people with mutations in their DNA that have left them with difficulties in everyday life

Corona Virus’s Impact on World’s Economy:

The Corona Virus had a devastating impact on the world economy. The CDC has been working around the clock to find a cure, but they have been unsuccessful so far. As a result, the world’s leaders have been forced to turn their attention to the Pandemic’s impact on the economy.

Revival of artificial intelligence after the pandemic

The pandemic has caused the world to survive on digital media and the online world. And as we all know, artificial intelligence paved its way into the industry right when the pandemic started. Despite its widespread lack of popularity, Artificial Intelligence is one of the most empowering technologies impacting every step we take. It is widely known for helping people make better decisions by enabling them to rethink their integrated information. It allows the audience to analyze the stored data in their minds and use the resulting insights more efficiently. The primary beneficiaries of these wide-ranging tools are researchers, opinion leaders, policymakers, and the government. Since COVID 19 has passed, AI has already altered the world and impacted society, governance, and the economy.

Effect of the pandemic on the dating cultures

During this pandemic, isolation has ruined the mental health of many inspiring individuals, and it’s also affecting our society as a whole. Isolation during this pandemic has caused a drastic increase in stress levels of individuals globally. The increased stress levels have given rise to depression, anxiety, and other health-related issues. Deep connections with other individuals help you fight these negativities and give you a meaningful purpose in life. It motivates you to love, laugh, and live a happier life.

COVID might have ruined the spiritual beliefs of many believers

Many people question these life-changing events and often lose confidence in God. Still, it’s essential to remember that God is the only one who bestows us with his blessings and gives us patience during these challenging times. Having ultimate reliance on God can significantly impact your life, and it gives you a reason to have faith in an extraordinary entity ready to protect you under all circumstances. We call spiritual growth and development a road to inner awakening, rising beyond the ordinary, and revealing ourselves to the universal truth. It’s the process of realizing who you indeed are and going beyond the reach of your mind and ego.

Suicidal Ideation and Suicide Rates

The socioeconomic burdens have forced many people to kill themselves during and after the pandemic. According to multiple research papers and various psychiatrists, suicide rates have increased by approximately 20% in the past two days. Due to rising concerns of depression, anxiety, and psychological distress, the cases of suicides are most commonly seen in third-world countries that could not cope with the hardships of COID-19.
A lot of comprehensive studies on suicide behaviors during the pandemic have indicated that the rising cases of suicide are mainly seen in the middle and lower-class families, not being able to deal with the deaths of their loved ones, emotional and social isolation, financial stress, and health concerns are few of many reasons behind the increasing rate of suicides. Throughout the longitudinal surveys performed by many researchers, countries like Italy, Spain, the USA, and the UK have shown a decrease in their suicidal rates. However, other countries like Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Nepal, and many other middle-class areas have shown a rapid increase in suicide cases since the announcement of the lockdown.


To conclude, although COVID-19 has passed away, but the direct and indirect consequences of this viral infection remain to stay. This pandemic’s psychiatric and socioeconomic effects might take years before people can finally start living their “normal” lives. Over the past two years, the world has seen its worst, and its implications might follow us for years, but it is crucial to stay motivated, expand our funding, and build meaningful connections to overcome the impact of epidemics on mental and physical health.


Questions to ask the Physician before agreeing to join a clinical trial

Questions to ask the Physician before agreeing to join a clinical trial

A clinical trial is an investigation designed to determine the safety and effectiveness of a new treatment against the disease. Clinical trials are basically experiments designed to test the efficacy of new therapies and drugs on human patients. In other words, a clinical trial is an investigation intended to test the safety and efficacy of a new treatment or therapy.

Clinical trials can be pretty interesting for health-conscious people, but it can also be burdensome for the Physician if any of a patient is there only to have the payment and is not serious about treating their disease, as they are not interested in their health and Wellness. In this blog post, you will get to know about some important questions that you must ask before joining a Clinical trial if you are preparing yourself for a Clinical Trial;

List of Questions you must ask before Joining a Clinical Trial?

– Why would someone join a clinical trial?

– What are the potential risks and benefits?

– Are there differences in the types of clinical trials that are available for patients that are participating in a trial?

– What are the treatments involved in this trial, and how are they expected to help the patient?

– How many patients are currently on the clinical trial, and how many have completed it?

– How likely is it that I will benefit from the trial?

– Is the trial paying for travel and other expenses?

– whether the protocol requires you to undergo any potentially risky procedures like blood draws or radiation treatments.

Before asking all the above questions, you should ask yourself whether you are comfortable being in a clinical trial and whether you have had any experience with clinical trials before.

Why must you Ask Questions before Joining a Trial?

When deciding which clinical trial to join, it’s essential to understand the goals of the trial and the type of disease being studied. It is necessary to know and understand the types of treatments used and the potential benefits of the trial. This helps you better understand whether the trial is a good fit for your personal circumstances. It is also essential for you to understand the risks of being in the trial, such as the potential for side effects or being required to undergo any potentially risky procedures like blood draws or radiation treatments.

Types of Clinical Trials:

Some trials are open only to patients with a specific type of disease, while others are open to patients of any age with any kind of cancer. Some clinical trials involve only in-patient testing, while others involve both in-patient and outpatient testing. Some clinical trials involve only testing a particular treatment, while others test various treatments.
Types of Physicians needed in a clinical trial

If you look at the stats, nearly one in five healthcare workers leave this profession every year. These numbers signal the great amount of resignation coupled with an aging U.S population, lack of satisfaction, and a workforce approaching retirement age. These factors are causing more physicians to quit the nation’s healthcare systems and medical groups.

According to a report published in 2021, nearly 71,000 jobs were posted on job portals by health care professionals to fill the unemployment gap. Thus, if you’re a physician looking for a job in a clinical trial, a few specialties always stay in high demand.

Family Physicians

Family physicians are known for treating injuries and diseases caused within the general population. The U.S. Department of Labor explains that patients contact family physicians whenever they visit the facility. Moreover, family physicians remain in great demand at all times. They’re needed by many healthcare facilities and clinical trials to fill the shortage of 21,400 and 55,200 physicians by the year 2033.

If you want to become a family physician, then pop in online to any clinical trial, as they have great job listings for jobs in this field.


Cardiologists specialize in treating cardiovascular diseases, including the heart and blood vessels surrounding it. Cardio specialists work in hospitals and private care facilities to diagnose and treat high blood pressure and heart failure issues.

Besides conducting physical exams and interpreting data, cardiovascular physicians also perform surgical procedures that involve implanting pacemakers or inserting cardiac catheters. Their demand has been continuously on the rise since last year. If you wish to get a job, check out various clinical trials’ websites for more weighing out job opportunities.


The physicians specializing in this field are referred to as gastroenterologists, and they diagnose and treat gastrointestinal tract diseases such as the stomach, small intestines, colon, rectum, pancreas, etc. People suffering from acid reflux, nutritional problems, irritable bowel syndrome, or pancreatitis usually require gastroenterologists for treatment. These physicians run procedures such as endoscopy, sigmoidoscopy, and colonoscopy for their patients to recommend further treatment options.

They’re almost 3,600 opportunities available for gastroenterologists online, with clinical trials being a trusted source for helping job seekers find a good position.


Neurologists specialize in treating brain and nervous systems disorders. These physicians are experts in dealing with patients suffering from migraines, concussions, dementia, epilepsy, and Parkinson’s disease. Once a patient visits a neurologist, they would typically run tests through CAT scans to move forward with the treatment program.

These physicians work closely with neurosurgeons when patients require brain or spinal cord surgery. Around 3,469 neurology jobs get posted every year on different job portals, and you can check various clinical trials to view them.

The Verdict

We’ve given a quick rundown of a few physicians that always stay in high demand. If you specialize in any given field and require a job, we suggest you check online job portals to apply for job positions in clinical trials.


Novel Technology in the Treatment of Cancer?

Novel Technology in the Treatment of Cancer?

Cancer disease is one of the biggest causes of death around the world. It is a complex disease, and it is essential to remember that because cancer is an umbrella term for several diseases that can affect the body in very different ways, the treatment and outcomes may differ for each type of cancer.

The current era of cancer treatment is continually changing, with new breakthroughs and discoveries rapidly altering the course of treatment. It’s crucial to figure out which therapy combination is best for you so that your cancer treatment can be done in the most effective manner.

In the United States and around the world, significant progress has been achieved in finding the correct treatment strategies to cure various types of cancer over the years. With a better understanding of the immune system, genetics, and cancer pathology, a wider choice of cancer treatments and diagnostic technologies has become available.

The development of new technologies has made it easier for medical facilities to treat patients who are battling cancer. And with the introduction of novel technologies, treating patients has become less challenging.

Types of Novel Technologies to Treat Cancer:

Over the past few years, the treatment of cancer is changing. We are moving from a time when all patients were treated the same way to when immunotherapy, targeted therapy, and precision medicine are being used to treat specific subtypes of cancer. All of these types work efficiently in treating cancer patients.


Immunotherapy uses vaccines to boost the body’s ability to fight foreign invaders like bacteria and viruses. Or, to put it another way, immunotherapy treats the immune system rather than a disease. Immunotherapy has the potential to save millions of lives, according to different research.

Immunotherapy is a cancer treatment that relies on the patient’s own immune system to combat the disease. Immunotherapy can help the immune system discover and fight cancer cells by boosting or changing how it works. Understanding how immunotherapy works and what to expect can assist you in preparing for treatment and making wise decisions about your care if it’s part of your treatment plan.

Immunotherapy is a type of treatment that employs portions of a person’s immune system to combat diseases like cancer. This can be accomplished in a number of ways:

• Strengthening, or boosting, your immune system’s natural defenses so they work harder or smarter to detect and fight cancer cells.

• Creating compounds in the lab that are similar to immune system components and using them to aid in the restoration or improvement of your immune system’s ability to detect and kill cancer cells.

Immunotherapy has been a significant aspect of treating several cancers in recent decades. New immunotherapy treatments are being studied and authorized rapidly, as are new techniques for dealing with the immune system.

Some forms of cancer respond better to immunotherapy than others. For some malignancies, it’s used alone, but for others, it appears to function better when combined with other treatments.

Targeted Therapy:

Targeted therapy is a type of cancer treatment that employs medications specifically tailored to kill cancer cells while leaving healthy cells.

Targeted therapy uses specific vaccines to boost the body’s ability to fight foreign invaders like bacteria and viruses. In targeted therapy, drugs are also used that only target specific proteins and genes in cancer cells instead of the entire cell, like traditional chemotherapy. It uses small molecules to directly target and kill cancerous cells without harming healthy cells, making it more efficient and safer for cancer patients as they will not have to go through extreme conditions of health issues as seen previously among cancer patients.

Many different forms of cancer can be treated using targeted therapy, and it’s also possible to use it in conjunction with other cancer treatments like chemotherapy. Although targeted therapies are not yet offered for all cancers, this is a rapidly increasing field of study, and many new targeted therapies are being tested in research trials.

Precision Medicine:

Precision medicine, commonly referred to as customized medicine, is a new field of medicine that combines genomes, big data analytics, and population health.

Precision medicine is based on the premise that your ailment, such as cancer or heart disease, isn’t always the same as someone else’s. Instead, your health, the symptoms you have, and even how effectively therapies work can be influenced by the genes you inherited from your parents and your environment.

Scientists believe that if they can figure out what’s causing these variances, they’ll be able to produce more effective treatments.

Precision medicine examines how a specific gene change (gene mutation) may affect a person’s likelihood of developing specific cancer or how their genes (or genes in their cancer cells) may affect treatment if they already have cancer.

The method employs data from genetic tests to assist doctors in putting together a treatment plan that typically includes specific suggestions. Precision medicine can assist produce a more accurate diagnosis and enhance therapy in some circumstances. In other circumstances, if a person is at risk for certain cancer, it can assist them in making decisions regarding healthy habits, earlier screening tests, and other preventative measures.


The future of cancer treatment is still a long way away, but what is currently known is that by harnessing the power of Novel Technologies, we can target the molecules that drive the disease and block cancer’s ability to spread and be more deadly. But yes, the future of cancer treatment is looking very promising with the development of targeted therapies,

immunotherapies, and precision medicine. These new therapies could get us closer to curing cancer and saving people’s lives. Scientists are consistently working on innovative technologies and powerful therapies as the future of cancer treatment relies on Novel Technology. Melanoma, lung cancer, and lymphoma are challenging to treat, but immunotherapy, targeted therapy, and precision medicine make them easier to heal and treat.


How Is Gene Therapy Used To Treat Genetic Disorders?

How Is Gene Therapy Used To Treat Genetic Disorders?

Gene therapy is a medical treatment or prevention method that involves fixing the underlying genetic condition. Instead of utilizing drugs or surgery, doctors can use gene therapy to treat an illness by changing a person’s genetic composition.

Gene therapy introduces new genetic material into a cell or cells of a living being, such as a human. It is a way of treating genetic disorders using the body’s own cells to produce a protein that is missing, another that is defective, or a different protein altogether. It works by correcting the genetic material inside a cell using genetic material from another cell. In mitochondria, for example, it replaces defective or missing genes or prevents the replication of faulty genes.

The first gene treatment approach, known as gene transfer or gene addition, was created to:

• Incorporate a new gene into cells to aid in treating a disease.

• Substitute a non-faulty copy of a gene for the disease-causing modified copy.

How does Gene Therapy work?

Gene therapy restores the functionality of key proteins by modifying the genetic code. Proteins are the cell’s powerhouses and the architectural foundation for the body’s tissues. A patient’s genetic code contains the instructions for generating proteins, and variations (or mutations) in this code can affect the synthesis or function of proteins that are important to how the body functions. Fixing or correcting for disease-causing genetic alterations may allow these crucial proteins to regain their function and the body to operate normally again.

In addition to the above, it is a powerful new technology that involves the introduction of new genes into cells to correct a genetic defect. The first gene therapy trials for sickle-cell anemia were primarily for children who were discovered to have the gene mutation during blood-screening tests.

Moreover, this type of genetic engineering relies on transferring genetic information, often from a donor cell, into a host cell. The goal is to use the information encoded by the foreign DNA to replace defective genes in the host cell to treat genetic disorders.

The types of Gene therapy products

•Plasmid DNA: Therapeutic genes can be genetically built into circular DNA molecules and delivered to human cells.

• Bacterial vectors: Bacteria can be engineered to prevent infection and utilized as vectors (vehicles) to deliver therapeutic genes into human tissues.

• Human gene-editing technology:  The goals of gene editing are to disrupt harmful genes or repair mutated genes.

• Patient-derived cellular gene therapy products: Cells are taken from the patient, genetically altered (typically with the help of a viral vector), and then put back into the body.

Methods to Treat Genetic Disorders?

To treat genetic disorders, gene therapy uses various methods, including the use of viruses, cell therapy (to transfer genes into cells or the body to treat genetic disorders), or the administration of gene sequences that are corrected or replaced in the body.

What Kind Of Diseases Can Be Cured By Gene Therapy?

Most commonly, Gene Therapy is used to treat genetic diseases like Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, Spinach disease, Hemophilia A, B, and C, and Cystic Fibrosis. It causes therapeutic proteins to be produced inside cells in order to treat a genetic disorder. Some treatments on the market, such as that of a group of boys with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, use gene therapy. Like other treatments, the goal is to introduce a healthy version of the gene that is causing the disease into cells to replace the faulty one.

The first gene therapy trials for sickle-cell anemia were primarily for children discovered to have the gene mutation during blood-screening tests. 

Some Challenges Of Gene Therapy

• Getting the gene to the proper location and turning it on:

o   It is crucial that the new gene reaches the right cell

o   It would be inefficient to send a gene to the wrong cell, and it could also cause health concerns for the patient.

o   Even once the correct cell has been identified, the gene must be activated.

o   Cells can hinder this process by turning off genes that are active in odd ways.

What Are The Potential Risks Of Gene Therapy?

• The body’s immune system may react to the newly added therapeutic vector as if it were an intruder, just as it would to any virus. Inflammation and other hazardous consequences can result from an immune system reaction.

• An immune response could make gene therapy less effective if it works at all. As a result, prospective gene therapy patients are frequently screened with a simple blood test to see if they have antibodies to a particular virus.

• While the goal of utilizing a certain vector is to send a new gene to a specific tissue type, viruses can influence cells that aren’t targeted, causing harm or producing extra illness or disease.


The goal of using Gene Therapy is to introduce a healthy version of the gene that is causing the disease into cells to replace the faulty one. The ability to mitigate the effects of disease or reverse conditions such as blindness, muscle weakness, and motor neuron disease has long been sought. Developments in gene therapy can transform the lives of patients living with incurable genetic conditions. However, this work has yet to be translated from the lab into a viable treatment for the whole human population, and the limited accessibility of traditional gene therapy techniques has prevented this. 

While the purpose of gene therapy is to heal people suffering from a specific disease or condition, patient safety is paramount. Researchers, doctors, and the regulatory agencies that examine and approve all new gene treatments collaborate to assess a gene therapy’s safety and efficacy.

The treating physician and supportive care team provide meticulous monitoring and supervision throughout the gene therapy treatment procedure. They assist in the management of safety concerns during the healing process after gene therapy.

Patients and caregivers should always review their treatment plan with their physician, as well as the risks and advantages of specific gene therapy.


How Can Biotechnology Help Resolve The World’s Hunger Problem

How Can Biotechnology Help Resolve The World's Hunger Problem

A potential solution to the problem of hunger lies in biotechnology. Biotechnology refers to various tools and applications allowing scientists to manipulate the genetics of plants, animals, and microbes. These practices allow scientists to modify characteristics that pass from one generation to another. Biotechnology tools include gene cloning, tissue culture, microbial culture, DNA marker technology, and genetic engineering. This genetic engineering is the most controversial because it is the method that develops genetically modified organisms. Solving world hunger will involve more than just producing more food. But excluding technological options that raise productivity will do more harm than good. The international community would be better served by taking a pragmatic approach that accommodates the best available technological options rather than relying on ideological-political positions that will put the world’s most vulnerable people at risk.

Food preparation

Since proteins and vitamins are often lost during conventional food preparation, fermentation may provide a method for preserving them. Traditional food processing based on fermentation, such as the techniques used to manufacture gari, a fermented, grainy, and starchy dish produced from cassava, may be improved using biotechnology. Through genetic engineering or food processing, biotechnology may also facilitate the elimination of harmful substances. In addition to removing undesirable components, biotechnology may be utilized to produce affordable additions that enhance the finished product’s nutritional value, flavor, or appearance. The current uses of biotechnology in food processing are far more sophisticated than those in plant genetic engineering. The genetic manipulation of food-processing microorganisms is substantially more straightforward than that of more complicated plants. It is so perplexing that most research focuses on plant genetic engineering, where there are still several challenges to overcome, while the opportunity to enhance food processing is usually ignored.

Technology Trends

Modern biotechnology can play an essential role in sustaining our future food demands. Biotech can increase crop yields, help develop new crops, and adapt existing crops to be cultivated on marginal lands with reduced fresh-water inputs. The technology may improve the nutritional quality of staple foods and diminish the need to cultivate crops on deforested land. Rapid advances in biotechnology reduce the time and cost of developing improved food and feed strains and engineering crops with improved drought and salinity tolerance and nutritional quality. New biotechnology tools enable scientists to introduce biochemical pathways to cells so we can breed plants that are safe and cost-effective sources of these nutrients.

Enzyme production

In enzyme production, the industrial production of enzymes mainly comprises the application of microorganisms. The microorganisms are cultivated in vast containers, after which the chosen enzymes are veiled into the standard in which the microorganism was fermented. The enzymes are concealed as a result of bacteriological activity in metabolites. Enzymes formed with the said process are then removed and undergo distillation steps, and these cleaned enzymes are further used in food processing in the food business and for several other uses. The productivity of enzymes made from microorganisms has risen due to genomic technologies. The use of innovative technologies has augmented the enzymes’ readiness, reduced the manufacturing cost, and upgraded their worth. This has resulted in the gainful effect of growing efficiency and rearrangement methods which service the use of enzymes as a processing aid in the food industry.

Resistant to disease

The state of Hawaii is an excellent illustration of how the development of crops resistant to disease may have a significant influence. Since 1998, the state has been a pioneer in the cultivation of biotech papaya, which is naturally resistant to disease. The potentially lethal papaya ringspot virus inspired the development of this antidote, and this virus was hazardous and posed a threat to the papaya industry. Because of this, biotechnology has helped rescue papaya output, and as a result, the groundwork has been laid for developing other disease-resistant crop varieties.

Golden rice

Scientists have discovered techniques to boost the vitamin A content of rice through genetic engineering. In wild species, rice has genes that make beta-carotene (which the body converts into vitamin A), but these genes are turned off during the growing process. By putting genes into rice, scientists can assure that the plant’s synthesis of vitamin A continues as it matures. Theoretically, Golden Rice seems like the ideal approach to improve nutritional levels in the food supply, but scientists are still encountering difficulties with it. For instance, scientists have discovered that beta carotene strains produce less than non-GMO ones. Furthermore, there is much debate and regulation around genetically modified crops. This is unfortunate, considering rice is safe for human consumption and contains more vitamin A than spinach, according to safety testing..

Is the world better off with genetically engineered food or without it?

According to a recent assessment from the World Resources Institute, GMOs and genetically modified food will play a crucial role in feeding a worldwide population that is projected to exceed 10 billion by 2050. According to the organization, GMOs are one technology that must be included in the answer if we are to produce enough food for a rising population. The paper, co-issued by the World Bank, the United Nations Development Program, and the United Nations Environment Program, identifies numerous possible solutions to this problem, with GMO crops and other genetic engineering methods playing a significant role in several of them. The paper notes that genetic manipulation protected the Hawaiian papaya population from a devastating virus and suggests that it may be able to do the same for the potato, soybean, and tomato populations in Uganda, Brazil, and Florida, respectively.

Wrapping up…

Many of humanity’s issues are reoccurring difficulties that man for generations has confronted. Humanity has been constrained by hunger, sickness, the demand for raw resources, and pollution since ancient times. Nevertheless, throughout history, the emergence of new technology has allowed significant advancements in our quality of life. The biotechnology sector must continue to inform the public, regulators, and other sectors about the sector’s potential. This entails actively establishing regulatory systems for these emerging technologies, encouraging dialogues with all stakeholders, and ensuring that the public is aware of the advantages of the technology.

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